Earn More Money With Yahoo And Bing Network Ads On You Blog

Are you tired of Google Adsense because of their savage with its Publishers? Are you searching for a perfect Google AdSense Alternative that renders maximum earning chances to Publishers? If yes, then Yahoo and Bing have signed a legal agreement with Media.net to render a pure and user-friendly Contextual Ads experience to those webmasters who are willing to sign up their program .

According to yahoo every web publisher can enjoy this service easily if there blog is having good content and traffic,they don't review site very deeply like adsense.The Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads program enables web publishers to easily and effectively earn advertising revenue. Publishers can now use the Media.net self-serve platform to create and customize ad units that display relevant text ads consisting of sponsored links and ad topics from the Yahoo! Bing Network

Main Features Of Yahoo Bing Ads Network
Generate incremental revenue with minimal effort
Focused only on publishers with premium content
Top brand advertisers and 100% fill rate
Highly relevant ads that enhance user experience and reduce ad clutter
Real support, personalized attention and service 

Approval Of Account
Yahoo is giving chance to average blog also.It does not look soo deep upon your blog like google adsense.But,You should have a average pageviews about 300 to 500 per day.As they are receiving more invitation,They process the invitations slowly So,You should wait for two weeks after sending invitation to them for full activation of your account.Sometimes you may receive a confirmation mail within a week Also!. So,Check your email daily.

What Should I Do? 
Place their ads in your blog or website.
Increase your revenue by monetizing the content of your web site.
Satisfy your users by offering them ad content related to their interests.
Leverage our knowledge of how best to optimize your contextual advertising.

Customizing Ads
Yahoo allows the users to customize their own ads according to their taste.You can customise ads skin ,color, template and much more.Yahoo ads come with many sizes that fits to your blog perfectly.
You can change heading color, Link color and pattern that perfectly suits to your blog.

How Much I Get Payed?
At starting,Yahoo ads pay $0.002 for per click.That is,$1 dollar for 500 impression and increases according to your pageviews and impression.This is not very bad than infolinks and other intext ad networks

When Will I Get Paid?
You will get paid when your ad revenue reaches the threshold amount that is 50$.There are four ways to collect your revenue, including a PayPal option that lets you get paid more quickly.What your waiting for? Turn your traffic into money with yahoo and bing ads.

How To Auto Invite All Friends To Facebook Group

Auto Invite Facebook Friends:

  •  You must be a approved member or administrator of that Group
  •  You should go to the facebook group page in your chrome or firefox browser in which you want to add all friends.
  •  If you are using firefox, Just press Ctrl+ shift+k and paste the below copied code there
  •  If you are using Google Chrome browser, Just press F2 and paste the below codes in console menu.

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  • Replace yourgroupid with your fb group if (i.e) www.facebook.com/groups/545476554124456/
  • After pasting the above code in your browser, press enter.
  • You will see a pop up box like below image.Please wait till the process completes 

How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly In Millions

Alexa is one of best website analytics company in the Internet .If you are doing an online business, then the alexa rank is very much important because it concerns the level of trust blogs. Even if you are just a regular blogger, Alexa rank can give commercial value to your blog if more up.My alexa rank last month is around 1,080,456 after one month of hard work helps me to attain the alexa rank of  82,650. Check  it now ! So today I am going to reveal the tricks which I followed to increase my alexa rank in millions within a month!

How Alexa Play A Important Role In Your Website ?

Alexa rank plays a major role if you planning to sell ad spots in your website or blog. Advertisers use Alexa rank to determine the popularity, Traffic and the reach of your blog/website. A better ranked blog would definitely have good traffic and higher ad conversion rates. Even Webmasters and bloggers consider Alexa rankings before submitting the Guest post.Working on improving your traffic rank now, would help you great in future.

How To Increase Alexa Rank  Quickly?

Quality Contents:

Alexa also considers the page views, bounce rate and time spent by visitors while ranking. And, unique and fresh content can only force a visitor to spend more time on your blog, thereby increasing the page views. Always stick to your niche, writing blog posts on different subject matter affects the alexa rank adversely.So, learn to write quality contents and always focus on single niche so that people will stick with your blog.

Never Copy Articles :

This is the biggest sin that most of the bloggers will do.Coping articles from other drastically destroy your well grown alexa rank within few days because All peoples and bloggers visit thousands of sites in search of quality contents or ideas so, Most of the bloggers can easily identify that your post is copied or genuine with a single view.If they find once copied article in your blog ,They avoid to visit your site and think of bad remarks about your site.

Take Part Social Medias :

Social Medias have the tendency to drive large amount of traffic to your site.Share your post in top social sites like Facebook,Twitter and Google plus.Use Facebook like box and twitter fanbox and google plus gadgets to make your user to stay with your blog in all platforms.Make your users to easily share your articles using floating bars and many interesting sharing widget.

Frequent Updates

 A great way to increase your alexa rank. Alexa love fresh content very much just like Google. A study suggests that updating a blog 7 to 10 times / week help to improve the alexa rank in a big way.
If you post many articles in a day or a week your possibility of indexing by search engine also increase.So please note this formula

  More post = More Search visibility = More  traffic = ↑ Alexa Rank

Guest Posting

Guest post is one of the genuine and best way to increase your alexa rank quickly.They can drive all traffic from that site to yours .In starting try out pr1 and pr2 sites for guest posting.After many practices Chose high reputed and  alexa rank blog of your niche.Before submitting your guest to other blog first find out the alexa rank by using alexa toolbar which you get from alexa for free after registration.

Avoid 302 Redirection

As all blogger bloggers know that their blog is redirect to their own country domain which is called "302 redirection" .But they dont know that it severely affects subdomain blogs such as .blogspot.com blogs because as it is redirected to their country domain,Alexa consider that it as new domain so your blog traffic is divided for your redirected domain.and It may divide your blog domain Ex : truebloggertricks.blogspot.com into truebloggertricks.blogspot.in and truebloggertricks.blogspot.uk and much more .So, To escape your blog from this danger Avoid 302 redirection.

5 Killer Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is a form of online marketing, which is done through the use of your electronic mail. Email marketers need to have distinctive qualities in their emails that will persuade a potential online client to believe and become interested in the email. Conveying a strong message through email before a client deletes the email is a problem that most email marketers experience. Most of the time, email marketers also have problems with permission based emails. Permission based emails filter out emails that are considered SPAM or emails that usually hold harmful information and links.

Email marketing is easy if you know the marketing strategies to use. The best strategy is to have content that is of value to your clients. They should know they are missing something good if they fail to respond to your email. This is the feeling and trust that an email marketer should send out in his or her email. Listed here are the 5 Killer Email Marketing Strategies needed for an email marketer.

Always have an Auto responder

Email PromotionsSending out bulk emails to hundreds of clients is a good way to enhance the chances of gaining clientele. Maintaining the hundreds of client replies though would be a near to impossible task. Imagine the hundreds of clients who got your message responded back because they were interested yet were never emailed back on time from your end. This would cause them to feel least prioritized. Some clients would think that it is a scam message because of the late replies. An auto responder is one way to respond to all the replies gained from your first email. Having an auto responder will allow you to manage replies to all clients and will enable them to feel that you care for them. Try personalizing your auto reply and give them a personal welcome in the auto respond email. This way you are creating a rapport with your clients and gaining their trust.

Start Warm and Be Friendly

It is hard to build mutual trust through email. You cannot see the people and they likewise cannot see you. In order to build mutual trust start out by sending warm and welcoming messages that in a way are relevant. Do not go over the top with trying to be too close, they should respond first to your friendliness first until both are at ease with one another. It would be impossible to build rapport with all your clients hence place a personal and welcoming message in your auto reply.

White List Yourself

Email providers and filters are good for those who have to protect their emails from hackers and SPAM emails. However, filters are one of the reasons why email marketers cannot get through to half of their clientele. After you have gained trust from a client who has received your newsletter, it would be best to have them add you to their address book so that your emails will not be filtered.

Personalize your Emails

Clients never want to get emails from automated senders. If you want a sender to believe you, make sure that your emails are personalized. Always use a name instead of a company name in the “from” field. Using your name would enable the receiver to believe that you are taking the time and effort to reply to his or her queries. This would be the best way to gain your client’s trust and win over a deal.

Get Rid of SPAM Triggers    

SPAM emails are determined by filters. Filters often look for words within an email that pertain to “click here”, “buy now” and even some words that are common in personal emails. This is the reason why you should always save your sales pitch in your landing site or webpage. Initial emails to your clients should be short, understandable and full with useful information and also with well phrased words that feel personal and persuasive as well.

These may look like simple tips and guides but these are killer strategies. The fact that these are simple steps to take in order to gain clients makes them a hundred percent useful for email marketers. There are certain things, such as emails marketing that do not need colorful, extravagant emails to close a successful deal.

30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. Majority of people believe the only way to driving traffic will cost them money. There are different methods of driving traffic that you pay for, and the majority of them are free. Increasing traffic to your business, website, or blog is the key to building a larger audience. I have enlisted in this post the top ways to increase traffic your website. The benefit of increasing your traffic is to improve visibility, ranking, and increase revenue.

1. Write Articles is one of the most powerful ways to generate traffic for your website. Here is a list of free article sites that I personally use at the given moment.


2. Commenting on blogs is another great strategy for generating traffic. When leaving a comment on someone else website make sure the site is relevant to your niche. Other things to take in consideration for your comment to be approve is to provided content, be respectful, and know what your talking about.

3. Social bookmarking is another source for building traffic. Here are my favorite social bookmarking sites.

Google +
Meet Up
Deviant Art

4. Facebook Fan Page is a tool to drive traffic to your website. Creating a Facebook Fan page is very easy process and free.

5. Facebook ads are a popular method of buying traffic for your site. Facebook ads provide targeted, demographic, and direct traffic.

6. YouTube is a free marketing channel that everyone should use to drive traffic to their websites. Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine? YouTube is a free online tool we should be using for online marketing.

7. Referral Program is a great way to drive traffic through the word of mouth. Offer your potential customers a discount if they refer your services to their friends.

8. Facebook groups are a great way to promote your blog post to boost your traffic. I join other Facebook groups with relevant topics and start posting my blogs. I get tons of free traffic using Facebook groups.

9. Join a forum group to boost traffic to your site. In the forum group your able to post or answer questions. In a forum group, you can easily become an expert on your field and built credibility. They are forum sites for all types of niches. Here are a couple of forum groups I have using in the past and still use.

Top Forums for SEO


10. Ebay is a great source to drive traffic to your website. Ebay currently has over 60 million customers. How do you generate traffic from Ebay? All you need to do is create a good About Me Page in your Ebay account. In the about me, page Ebay allows to promote your website.

11. Newspaper Ads is another tool to drive traffic to your site. Contact your local newspaper and place an ad.

12. Search Engine Optimization is a terrific way to drive organic traffic. Make sure to optimize your site by taking advantage of keywords and excellent content.

13. Backlinks area great for search engine optimization and driving organic traffic. If your looking to buying high quality backlinks there are many companies where they can be purchase. Here are a couple of companies I have bought backlinks.


14. Guest posting will help grow your brand and is a popular option to drive traffic. I have included a link with various sites with high ranking that allow guest posting.


15. Investing in E-mail listing will help your website drive tons of traffic. I have enlisted some of the organizations that provide E-mail listing services for a reasonable price.

Get Response
Mail Chimp
Constant Contact
Benchmark Email
Campaign Monitor
Jango Mail
Ezine Director
Jango Mail

16. Free E-book is another way to drive traffic to your site. The e-book is a free incentive for customers to return to your site and add promotional links inside the book. There are many ways to create an e-book for a low cost. I have enlisted a couple of sites to buy or hire someone to create an e-book.


There are also companies that allow buying private label rights. These companies let you buy the e-book and let you change the title, content, author info, and even sell them and keep every penny.


17. Clickbank helps promote your product and increases your website traffic. Majority of the traffic will be from affiliate marketers. Affiliate marketers sign up to promote your product sending traffic to your website.

18. Flickr is a free tool to drive traffic to your site. Anyone that uses an image through your Flickr account has to give an image credit which will drive free traffic your site.

19. Create a blog and drive traffic to your website.

20. Sign up for answer websites. The answer websites are a place where people place questions about specific niches who are trying to find an answer. Becoming the expert at the answer websites will drive free traffic to your site. I have enlisted some of the sites you can sign up for free to drive organic traffic.


21. Use Podcasting to drive traffic to your website. Podcasting is one of the newest crazes over the Internet. Podcasting is continually growing daily, and its a great way to get your website traffic.

22. RSS Feeds on your website will also help promote traffic. The RSS Feeds are one of the most powerful traffic driving tools a blogger can use to create backlinks and rank higher in the search engines. Feedburner allows blog owners to create and manage their RSS Feeds.

23. Web 2.0 Sites have huge traffic and are a great way to drive free organic traffic. I have enlisted some of my favorite Web 2.0 Sites.


24. Email Signature. All of your emails should have your website address in the bottom.

25. Business Cards are another great form of getting free traffic. Provide everyone you meet with a business card with your website address. I have enlisted some of the top sites to buy business cards.

Vista Print
123 Print
Businesscards 24
Go Print
Juke Box
Overnight Prints
Print Runner

26. Search Engine Directory. Increase your visibility by adding your website to search engine directory. I have compose of the top search engines to add your website.

Alta Vista
Alexa Internet
27. Place ads on Micro Websites. Using micro websites to drive hoards of targeted traffic to your website. Here are my favorite micro websites.


28. Advertise on outsourcing sites. Offer your product or services to different countries. I have enlisted my favorite outsourcing companies.


29. Create an interactive community in your blog. Adding a blog comment field on your website will allow for everyone to join the conversation. In return make sure to respond to everyone comment Google loves interaction. A great plugin I used for WordPress is Comment Luv.

30. Sign up for free Gravator account. Every time you leave a comment on blogs your picture and website address will automatically appear.

20 Ways To Make Money Online

In this article, you will find 20 ways to make money online. The list is not in any particular order. By the end of this article I hope your able to use one of these strategies to put some change in your pocket.

1. Answering Questions: There are sites that pay you for answering questions or giving advice. Everyone is an expert about something. I have composed a list of different sites that will pay you for your opinion.

1. Guruza
2. Small Biz Advice
3. Shvoong
4. Answer Gem
5. Ace College Classes
6. Live Person
7. Maholo
8. Weegy
9. ChaCha
10. Askables
11. Web Answer
12. KGB
13. Student of Fortune
14. Know Brainers
15. Just Answer
16. Help Owl

2. Freelancer: Do you have any services to offer others? Become a freelancer and get paid for your services. Here is a list of sites where you can join to post your services.

Blog Marketing and Make Money Online1. Freelancer
2. Elance
3. Fiverr
4. FasCinco
5. Task Army
6. Odesk
7. GigMe5
8. JobsFor10
9. Fiffy Town
10. Dollar3
11. UpHype
12. Seven Stew

3. Online Surveys: Did you know by giving your online opinion about services is a quick way to make money online. Take online surveys and get paid. Here are some sites that help you make money by taking surveys.

1. Clear Voice Surveys
2. My View
3. Dollar Survey
4. Toluna
5. My Survey
6. Synovate
7. Zoom Panel
8. Permission Research
9. Global Test Market
10. Hot Spex
11. Test Spin
12. Survey Spot
13. Opinion Outpost
14. Survey Scout
15. Ipoll

4. Write Reviews: Write a blog review in your blog and get paid. The top sites to sign up for writing a review.

1. Dooyoo
2. Review Stream
3. Social Spart
4. Pay Per Post
5. Expo TV
6. Software Judge
7. Blogitive
8. Buy Blog Reviews
9. In Blog Ads
10. Review Me
11. Smorty
12. Linkworth
13. Opinion Outpost
14. Sponsored Reviews
15. PayU2Blog
16. Blogger Wave
17. Blogging Ads
18. Blogsvertise
19. Shared Reviews
20. Blog to Profit

5. Social Networks: Join a social network for free and get paid for distributing their services. Here are some social networks that are free to join.

1. My Likes
2. Mag Pie
3. Ximmy
4. FriendSwin
5. Budiz
6. Flixya
7. MyViewin
8. Sponsored Tweets

6. Sell Your Products: You can make extra money also by selling your own products that you’re currently not using. The great thing about online is you can sell pretty much anything. When selling your products I can compose a list of sites.

1. Craigslist
2. Amazon
3. eBay
4. Sell
5. BackPage
6. StopIt
7. Gazelle
8. Oodle
9. Zazzle
10. Etsy

7. Sell Your Images: Sell your photos online and make money. Here are some sites that allow you to make money by selling images.

1. SnapVillage
2. BigStockPhoto
3. CluterShot
4. ShutterStock
5. Dreamstime
6. DepositPhoto
7. IStockPhoto
8. Futolia
9. StockExpert

8. Revenue Sharing Websites: The revenue sharing websites are a terrific way to make money by writing articles. I have composed the top list of sites that pay you.

1. Inforbarrel
2. RateItAll
3. Mixx
4. Jevitt
5. SheToldMe
6. BestReviewer
7. TipDrop
8. Seekyt
9. Bukisha
10. SquidStop
11. Xomba
12. Hubpages
13. Squidoo
14. Snipsly
15. Flixya

9. Get Paid For Shopping: A great way to earn money is getting paid for regular purchases online. Every time you make a purchase online you get cash back. Here are some sites that will help with cash back after shopping.

1. MrRebates
2. Ebates
3. Swagbucks
4. Big Crumbs
5. Upromise
6. OfferMatic

10. Selling Other Peoples Product (Affiliate Marketing): You can also join a network or affiliate program to sell other people’s product and make money online. Here is a list of companies you can join for free.

1. Commission Junction
2. Clickbank
3. ShareASale
4. Amazon Associates
5. eBay Partnet Network
6. E-Junkie
7. DigiResults
8. Google Affiliate Network
9. Linkshare
11. Design Your Own Products: Create and sell your own designs and make money. I have enlisted some of my favorite sites.

1. CafePress
2. E-Shirt
3. ShirtCity
4. Etsy
5. ArtWeb
6. Threadless
7. Unbound
8. Gela Skins
9. Big Cartel
10. SpreadShirt
12. Society6
12. Buy Stocks Online: Another great way to make money online is by buying stocks online. Here are a couple of sites that offer stock services.

1. E*Trade
2. TradeKing
3. ScottTrade
4. ShareBuilder
13. Passive Income: Make money from your online content by placing ads on your blog from different advertisers that will pay you for every click. Here are some sites you can join.

1. Google Adsense
2. Yahoo Publisher Network
3. Bid Vertiser
4. Chitika
5. Clicksor

14. Donation Button: If you have a website which provide free content you can add a donation button. This will encourage visitors to give a donation just because they are appreciative of your services.

15. Application Tester: There are companies that pay you for testing their apps. Utest is one of the many companies that pay you for the services.

16. Customer Service: There are many companies hiring people for customer service. All you would need is an Internet connection and landline to do the services. Here are some companies you can hire:

1. Alpine Access
2. Working Solutions
3. LiveOps

17. Flip Domains: You can buy expire domains and then resell them for more money.

18. Online Coach: Become an online coaching mentor. For example, Tony Robbins.

19. Read Emails: Get paid from the comfort of your home by reading emails. Here are a couple of sites to sign up for the service.

1. Donkeymails.com
2. Youromail.com
3. Indoxdollars.com
4. MoneyInMail.com
5. GetPaid5Times.com
6. EmailCashPro.com

20. Ebook: Create an e-book and sell it to make money from it.